Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful ness

Well, what can I say..He's been such a major part of my life, as of recent. I pushed Him away for the longest. Denying Him was so stupid of me...but I guess its the Human in me..
I had to be convinced through my pain of missing my Grandparents. I know they live through me, because I hold them in my heart. I love them so much. Even though I wish I could have had them in my life a lot longer...Im so grateful to have had them at all. I just wish my youngest brother could have had them longer, and my middle brother.
They are such a big part of who I am today. Im so Thankful to call them my Grandparents. Thankfulness is all I can feel when I think of them, and the lives they lived. God is Good...ALL THE TIME

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