Sunday, March 21, 2010

Let me vent...

I wish he would take me as I am. I wish he wouldn't over analiyze EVERYthing I do/say/post.
Why does he have to always pick at me for posting things? Things that arn't even serious, things that are not personal to me. He really makes me feel limited at times. Like I cant just say what comes on my brain, weather it be in a blog, a status, a note on facebook...I mean...what can I say? without being critized about it? Just because I post a poem, or some words I was inspired by, doesn't mean its directly from me. Why does he have to take everything I say or write so personaly? what is wrong with me expressing myself? I've been doing it all my life..and now that he's in the picture, he expects me to change that part of me that makes me..."Me"...
I have compromised enough of myself to please him, or make him comfortable. I don't even express my anger or saddness on the internet in a public way anymore. I don't vent as much any more. He wants me to bring it all to him...which is fine, but then when I bring it to him, he doesnt always know how to accept it. Why?!?! IT MAKES ME WANT TO FUCKING SCREAM...excuse my "french"...Im not even comfortable cussing around him...though its not a part of my every-day language, shouldn't I be able to say "damn" if I hurt myself, or break something...I can't even say "WTF"...the term used on the internet...not the actually 3 words...but gee....I just always have to watch what I say...
I always knew compromise was a part of all relationships. Sacrafice, and giving of self...but what about the times when you've given all you can, but some parts of yourself, you just want to hold on to and let it remain as it is...I can't change that Im expressive, and that i like to express on a public level. See me for the changes I've made. I dont even post like I use to. I have slowed it down, and calmed it down. Im not as "out there" and vocal as I use to be...but I dont want to silence my voice all the way...damn.

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