Friday, October 14, 2011

re-born from a dark time

i was bitter for so long... Im so happy Im not that way anymore. Sometimes a person from your past can bring out the worst in you...and all it takes is constantly remaining in an unstable situation...and that bad energy can rub off on you, and make you become a negative person... as humans & life forces made of energy, emotions, powerful thoughts and spirit/soul, we feed off vibes, and someone can scar you so badly, to the point where you'll almost refuse energy, and love... out of pure fear of getting hurt again... but i refuse that fear! I refuse to give up on MYSELF. I was raised to believe in love, and believe in good. Yes there is bad in this world. but I REFUSE to let it rub off on me, and make me lose sight of whats more important in this world. I will NOT get caught up in drama, or superficial, shallow-ness or anything less than righteousness and love. I almost let that go... I almost let my past control me, and I almost let the pain stick with me. But I had to forgive myself of the past wrongs I've caused others, and forgive the person who hurt me most and wish NO ill upon them. I only wished that they would learn from their mistakes, the same way I learned from my mistakes. I did not wish them any pain... but the pain I felt... I had to that i could learn from my mistakes. Im a new person because it! Im a new person because I've been re-born into love, peace and balance within myself. ♥

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